Saturday, January 24, 2009

snow day and sewing

I know this is a late post but I had a snow day last week! I had off of school Monday because of Martin Luther King Jr. Day. What's strange is our school district was one of the last one's to make that day a holiday. I was surprised when I found out how new that holiday was to our county. Some teachers were telling me that for several years, it snowed and they had to cancel school that day anyway! How interesting. Now it's a holiday. On Tuesday it would have been the 100th day of school, and of course the inauguration. One teacher commented on how we should have off to watch history happen! Well, at about 9:15 Monday night I got a call that school was canceled! They were predicting snow, but we didn't have any yet. Two other teachers said they had some already. We never got any. When Joel left at 5:20 am the next morning there was still nothing! I didn't see any snow until later that day, and then there were big flakes, but nothing stuck. So we got to stay home to watch history happen! We don't have channels on our TV so I watched it on the computer while I sewed.
There is so much cute fabric online I want to buy, but I knew I'd have to prove I'd use it. So I made sewing machine cover with some fabric scraps I bought at Walmart. I found the pattern online from Here's the pdf for the sewing maching cover.
I went back to the site and realized they are a store in Philly on South Street! Cool! I wonder if i've passed it before.
The cats were sure annoying while I was trying to measure and cut the fabric!

Here's the sewing machine my mom gave me when I got married. I used it to sew my veil, and then had it in a box for a long time. I decided it's time to use it! I needed to make a cover so I can set it out and throw away the gross old box it was in. I even bought an old antique sewing machine table (with an old Singer inside!) at a thrift shop for our Christmas tree. That's where I'm going to put the sewing machine.
Finished! It was an easy project.

We had plants on the table but the cats kept jumping up and getting dirt everywhere and eating them. Ever since I put the sewing machine on it, I don't think they've gotten up there. Yay!

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